Mandatory Lockdown Drill

Mandatory Lockdown Drill

Mandatory Lockdown Drill 

On Monday, February 26 during the beginning of 1st period we will be practicing our mandatory Active Threat/Lockdown Drill.

The drill will be taking place at the beginning of the period with SNN showing a short video discussing our Active Threat/Lockdown procedures. Following the video, we request that classroom leaders/teachers lead their students in a guided review/practice of the lockdown procedures for their class. Please refer to the Emergency Lockdown Procedures poster in your class as a helpful rubric.

During the video, we will also make reference to our Saugus CARE text posters for students to refer to if or when they witness any suspicious activity.

This is the adjusted schedule for the day:

Drill & 1st period

9:19am – 10:11am

2nd period

10:16am – 10:56am


10:56am – 11:16am

3rd period

11:21am – 12:01pm

4th period

12:06pm – 12:46pm


12:46pm – 1:21pm

5th period

12:26pm – 2:06pm

6th period

2:11pm – 2:51pm

7th period

2:56pm – 3:38pm

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